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The winners, nominees and official selection can obtain an official statuette of the festival.
For anywhere in the world
the cost is $ 180 (+ shipping cost 40 dollars) = $ 220
The payment is made to bank account, paypal or skrill:
Please send your information: Name, address, telephone, and prize obtained.
Author: Carlos Vielma Rosas- VielRos
Title: Tribute to Success
Measurements: 22cm X 7.5cm X 7.5cm
Technique: Mixed / Various materials (Fabric, modeling, copper and patinated polymer)
Carlos Vielma Rosas or VielRos is a Venezuelan sculptor and educator, born in the city of Caracas. He studies at the Cristóbal Rojas School of Visual Arts, where he is currently teaching Visual Arts. Since graduating from the School of Arts, he has devoted his research to the development of a work with features (formal and conceptual) characteristic of contemporary art that places the human being in a high leading role, whose invoice has allowed him, in addition to some samples in abroad, exhibit in important museums and halls in his country and earn recognition that makes him an artist with an outstanding career. Among his contributions to the universe of visual arts, it is significant to refer to the emblematic sculpture of the South Film and Arts Academy Festival (SFAAF) which, according to the artist's words: “Each statuette made to award the participants of the SFAAF festival represents the glory achieved with success; It is a unique piece, because in its creation process it is accompanied by its own spirit, which makes it the owner of its own vitality. A statuette is never the repetition of another, although in its creative process it has similarities”. In other words, each statuette is a tribute to the success of the perseverance and creativity forged by each SFAAF participant in the wide universe of filmmaking.
Fabio Massa - Director
Audrey Butler - Director
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